Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Why and How to Hide Your Security Cameras

Why and How to Hide Your Security Cameras

Image source: https://trailcamerajudge.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/hide-game-camera.jpg

A hidden security camera is a Wi-Fi enabled video monitoring device which alerts you instantly in case of any suspicious activity. Such cameras are one of the ideal options for catching intruders as well as for preventing potential ones in their acts.

There are plenty of reasons that why you should hide your security cameras.

Reason 1.

The most common one is that they might kill the beauty of your interiors. Too many security cams would look like black blots on the breath-taking contemporary architecture and home decor.

Reason 2.

The next reason is related to the tempering of these cameras. When the potential burglar is able to find your video recording devices, then the next thing he does is quite predictable. He will disable or destroy them. So, it is probably the best idea to keep your virtual eyes aka security cameras hidden from the direct line of sight.

Reason 3.

The third reason for hiding your surveillance equipment is that you can hear and watch everything without declaring out loud that you have installed gadgetry to keep a watch. This is particularly helpful in cases like when you have hired a nanny to look after your children or a caretaker for the elderly members of your family.

Got Convinced?

So, now that you know about all the major reasons why it is best to keep your video recording devices hidden, we can move on to our next section.

Here, we have listed some creative ways to put your security cams out of the sight from possible intruders and would-be burglars.

Just remember that the No. 1 rule while hiding your surveillance cams is they should get merged with the surroundings and should not be easily detectable. The following household items serve as the best spots to disguise these monitoring devices.

Book Shelves: If you own a shelf stacked with books, then you have a great way to hide these cameras. Keep a mini surveillance camera in between the several books on the shelf which in turn would keep an easy check on the suspicious activities for you. Another idea is to use hollow books to hide cams. Carve out a small hole to give the device lens, a necessary field of view to capture every activity.
Tissue Boxes: If you are not a book lover then, tissue boxes are the next option. Empty tissue boxes serve as an alternative to the hollow books. Make a small hole (same as suggested for hollow books) and place your security cam in it. Place this tissue box in the area that you want to watch covertly.
Curtain Rods: A surveillance camera placed higher above the normal line of sight is less likely to be detected. This makes curtain rods an ideal spot for placing them.
Artificial Plants and Flower Pots: A security camera placed in a flower-pot can easily be concealed with contrasting leaves. A would-be burglar or criminal is less likely to look at the centre of the flowers to check the presence of any such gadget.
Soft Toys and Stuffed Animals: Intruders and would-be burglars lay their eyes on expensive items like jewellery, TV and expensive cars. Plush toys like teddy bears and stuffed animals often skip to be on their list of worth a steal. This makes plush toys an ideal source to hide a security device and watch everything without getting noticed. Surveillance devices hidden in soft toys can also help keep a tab on caretakers and babysitters.

Before turning your surveillance cameras into covert devices, just check with your states laws about covert surveillance. It is very important and the moral duty of every resident to adhere to the local regulations.

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Image source: https://fthmb.tqn.com/wy9YG4LVmK00H0uYqSKBzK3ze1o=/3000x2000/filters:no_upscale()/about/58051528_thumbnail-57f6843f5f9b586c350...