Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Which Is Best An 110Vac Or 220Vac Central Vacuum System for New and Remodeled Homes

Which Is Best

Image source: http://d2vlcm61l7u1fs.cloudfront.net/media/d51/d51ac05c-f193-49b2-9798-c1e65dd1acbc/php5cFlXe.png

There are a few things to take into consideration when one is considering purchasing a central vacuum system. One of the primary considerations is whether to purchase a system requiring 120 Vac power or a system requiring 220 Vac. The truth is we need to narrow the field even farther. For example there is a 220 Vac system and 240 Vac system . So it is important to know what you are requiring of your local central vacuum dealer.

Motor Differences Between 110 and 220 Versions

The power units are not the same in the 220 and 110 versions of central vacuum systems. They are wound differently, the transformer is different, the mini-breakers are different, and the cord and wiring are different. As you can see it is important to specify with your contractor exactly which power unit you desire.

Differences Between 110/120 And 220/240 Volts A/C

Sometimes 120 volts is referred to as 110 volts or 115 volts. In addition, 240 volts is referred to as 220 volts or 230 volts. Central vacuum system manufacturers produce motors in all those ranges. The better choices are the 120 and 240 volt motors, not the 110 or 220 volt motors.

The 120 and 240 motors will not be adversely affected if used with lower voltages. The 120 volt motor will be fine on 110 volts. And a 240 volt motor will be all right on 220 or 230 volts. The other way around will adversely affect the motors. A 220 volt motor would be "damaged" if used for long periods of time on a 240 volt circuit. And the same can be said for a 110 volt motor running on 120 volts. The larger voltage motors run very well in any variation of 50-60Hz.

Which is Better?

The answer to that question depends on the manufacturer. As an example, MD Manufacturing reveals these facts about their production units. For the most part, their motors have very similar performance statistics between the voltages. Their 120 volt Silent Master S5, for instance has 139 water lift and 191 CFM with a peak of 905 Air Watts. The 240 volt version has 136.4 water lift and 190 CFM with a peak of 866 Air Watts. These stats are extremely close.

Operating Cost

The cost to operate a 240 volt vacuum unit can possibly be less than its 120 volt counterpart because both phases of the electrical power are being used simultaneously. However, the 120 volt version may not be wasting much power if the opposing circuit is being used by lights or other appliances at the same time. In the worst case scenario, the 120 volt version might cost 12 cents per hour additional to operate. Yes, there is a difference here, but one must weigh-in several other considerations.

Cost Of The Electrician

As you probably know electricians charge a set fee for each 110-120 outlet they install. Normally it is based on a flat fee of around $40 to $60 per position depending on the area in which one resides. Wiring in a 220-240 outlet requires tying both 110Vac electrical legs together and special NEPA plugs. Obviously wiring your central vacuum system for 220-240 Vac will incur additional expense. Far more 120 volt units are sold because they simply plug into any 20 amp electrical outlets and have plenty vacuuming power.

Motor Life Expectancy

They feel that the 120 volt versions of the vacuum motor will last longer. They contain a higher amount of copper and thus the heat has a greater ability to dissipate. In addition, 120 volt motors are also much easier to find replacements for as they are common motors in the industry. The 240 volt version motors are not used very often and vacuum shops aross America do not normally stock them. They would almost always stock 120 volt motors.

Plugged Into The Wrong Outlet?

What happens when a 240 volt motor is accidently plugged into 110 and 110 into 240? If you plug a 120 volt motor into a 240 volt circuit and immediately turn the motor on it will run with a humongous amount of suction. The motor will be running extremely fast! If it is running very long the motor may disintegrate. The transformer will likely burn out before that happens. When the transformer burns out the motor will shut off. If one simply replaces the transformer the system will be restored back to normal operation.

If you left the jobsite without testing the vacuum and later found that the new system did not work, then it is likely the electrician powered it up with 240 volts. Just sitting in the off position the motor will burn out the transformer in 3-5 minutes or less.

Plugging a 240 Volt Unit Into 120 Circuit

If you plug a 240 volt unit into a 120 volt circuit, it will not run correctly. The good news is that neither the transformer nor the motor will be destroyed. It will only be running at half speed.

Plausible Plan of Action

I would like to offer my many years of experience as a Security / Low-Voltage Contractor and give you a very acceptable plan of action. If you install the system yourself you will save thousands of dollars. To install your own central vacuum system you will first need to know exactly what components are necessary. What are the top two or three brands to consider? Where is the best place to purchase your pipe? What type of wiring needs to be pulled in the walls of your home? You are going to need a book to lead you through the installation process.

Installing Numerous Systems

It has been my experience that when home owners are considering one system for their new or remodeled home, they are likely considering other technologies as well.. It would be in your best interest to have installation guides on each system you would like to include in your home. Read them all then procure your components, special tools, and cable so that they are all on the job site ahead of your proposed start date.

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