Minggu, 15 April 2018

Top 5 FAQs About Fitness Strength Training

Top 5 FAQs About Fitness Strength Training

Image source: http://images01.military.com/media/military-fitness/top-five-workout-questions-image.jpg

It's no secret that fitness strength training is different from regular fitness routines and conditioning workouts. In fact, surveys show that athletes and people just like you and I have trouble gaining strength at the gym. Why is it so hard to get phenomenal strength results for most people? Don't you want lightening fast results in your strength training? So today I'm going to reveal the top 5 most frequently asked questions about fitness strength training, and answer them by revealing my juicy secrets I acquired from the world's top MMA & boxing athletes on how to get unparalleled strength results.

How can I prevent injuries while strength training?

One of the most important steps in preventing injuries from fitness strength training is to stretch. A secret I learned from practicing MMA is that you don't have to lift your max weight and keep pushing these limits. If you do this, you're bound to get injured...And unfortunately, it's a common myth in fitness strength training. What will really get you strong are the right exercises...And many of these fall under "caveman training" routines that involve only body weight. But stretching between sets will increase your flexibility, prevent injuries, and has been shown to increase strength levels by 20% versus not stretching.

What is the #1 best fitness strength training exercise?

Hindu pushups. Can you bench 400-pounds? If you can, you'll still find hindu pushups a challenge. Hindu pushups train your core and will result in "wrestler-type" brute force strength.

Is it true that I should do 3 sets of 2-5 reps for fitness strength training?

No, it's a myth. 2-5 reps is a common misstatement made by many fitness trainers and workout junkies as the holy grail of strength training. Scientific tests have shown that consistency and variability in workouts are going to provide you with most effective results. Now, if you really want lightening fast crazy results like pro MMA & boxing athletes don't isolate muscles. Do multi-joint complex exercises like squats, lunges, step-ups, and deadlifts for strength training results that'll have you addicted.

How often should I change up my routine?

For maximum strength results, you should be changing your routine every 4-8 weeks. It makes strength exercises fun.

What should I do when I hit my strength peak?

Again, another myth. There's really no such thing as a peak. If there were, you wouldn't see guys and gals pulling trucks, lifting over 1000-pounds, and pushing cars around like cardboard boxes. Most people fitness strength training hit a "peak" as the general public calls it. It's really a plateau. When you stop noticing results you've come to this plateau. The solution? Climb another rock. Change your routine completely. Things you can change are:

a) Rest between exercises and sets
b) Types of exercises
c) Speed of exercises

...And many many more variables. It's important that you track your progress. When you're seeing signs of no growth, change your strength training exercises. My favorite thing to do is switch to 5 tri-sets of 5 reps for 8 weeks. This secret is pure gold when it comes to fitness strength training.

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Image source: https://fthmb.tqn.com/wy9YG4LVmK00H0uYqSKBzK3ze1o=/3000x2000/filters:no_upscale()/about/58051528_thumbnail-57f6843f5f9b586c350...