What Are Lymphoceles
Okay, take a deep breath and relax. Despite the rather ominous-sounding name, a lymphocele is basically not dangerous to a guys health. So what is it?
Well, as the name implies, a lymphocele has something to do with the lymphatic system, which is a key part of the immune system. While the lymphatic system includes organs such as the thymus and spleen, its the lymph channels that are of relevance to manhood bumps.
Lymph Fluid and Manhood Bumps
These lymph channels, which run throughout the body, including the manhood, carries lymph fluid around the body, just as blood vessels carry blood throughout the body. The lymph channels provide the body with healthy elements that it needs and exchange them with waste products that the body needs to expel.
BUT if the lymph channel gets blocked, it cant do its job. Lymph fluid continues to flow through the channel, but it builds up behind the blockage. With no place to go, it seeps out into the tissue. This creates swellings under the skin. When this occurs in the manhood, the resulting bumps are known as lymphoceles.
What Causes a Lymphocele?
So thats what a lymphocele is but what exactly causes the blockage? In a word, trauma. When the tissue in an area is handled roughly, it can create damage that prevents proper flow. When the lymphocele occurs on the manhood, the most common culprit is the manhood being squeezed too tightly or being handled too roughly. For example, if a man stimulates himself too vigorously or if a partner slaps the manhood around, it can create a trauma situation. A swelling results, creating the manhood bumps.
Fortunately, in most cases, a lymphocele is not painful. It may look a little odd, but it generally does not create any physical inconvenience. However, many men panic when they notice it, assuming that a change of this sort may be indicative of a manhood problem.
In almost all cases, a lymphocele goes away on its own after a few days. In some cases, it may be more stubborn, in which case a man may wish to try some gentle massaging to help reduce the swelling. If a lymphocele does not go away after a couple of weeks, seeing a doctor is a good idea but in most instances the doctor will simply recommend more patience rather than puncturing and draining the bump.
As manhood bumps go, lymphoceles are generally among the most benign. Checking for manhood bumps is recommended as a regular part of a mans manhood health routine, as is daily use of a top flight manhood health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Since the manhood is so important to most men, they are advised to take care selecting a crme; one with a combination of acetyl L carnitine and alpha lipoic acid is best. An amino acid, acetyl L carnitine has demonstrated abilities in protecting against peripheral nerve damage due to friction, compression and other common traumas. Alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, offsets harmful oxidative processes that impede cell mitochondrial metabolism. While acetyl L carnitine and alpha lipoic acid are potent on their own, they interact synergistically, so that a crme containing both packs even more power.