Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

The Benefits of Being an Ectomorph

The Benefits of Being an Ectomorph

Image source: https://bonytobeastly.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Nick-W-27-pounds.jpg

As a hardgainer, you should understand that your genetic capacity for muscle growth is not quite on the same level as those lucky, genetically gifted mesomorphs, who can put on muscle just by thinking about bench pressing! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but not too far from the truth.

You're going to have to train smarter, be more disciplined, and have the perseverance to overcome the genetic shortcoming of the ectomorph body type you've been endowed with.

If I'm losing you with all the ecto- meso- "morph" terminology, then this article should bring you up to speed.

Somatotypes and Body Type Classification

There are three basic somatotypes, or body types as proposed by Dr. William H. Sheldon back in the 1930's that are used to classify individuals based on their physical traits and characteristics. It is not a perfect classification system, because even though some people fit these descriptions exactly, others will be a mixture of two or more somatotypes (i.e. an ecto-mesomorph.) Never-the-less, it is a great starting point for determining your genetic traits, your capacity for building muscle, and designing a program that maximizes your body's potential.

Here are the three somatotypes:
Ectomorphic: characterized by long and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage; usually referred to as slim.
Mesomorphic: characterized by large bones, solid torso, low fat levels, wide shoulders with a narrow waist.
Endomorphic: characterized by increased fat storage, a wide waist and a large bone structure.

The True Hardgainer

Most people that are considered to be true hardgainers fall into the ectomorphic category. Since this website is dedicated to helping ectomorphs realize their full genetic potential, we will be focusing our attention on this body type specifically.

As an ectomorph, your metabolism is in overdrive, meaning you are rather lean, and thin and experience difficulty in gaining weight of any kind (muscle or fat.) You most likely lack significant physical strength and this is obvious because you are also lacking in muscle mass. The extreme ectomorph has a fragile and delicate physique, with a lighter skeletal structure, small wrists and joints. The ectomorph may be slightly taller than the average person, and thus has longer limbs, which are not advantageous to moving heavy weights. Recovery ability of the body is also more prolonged than mesomorphs and endomorphs.

Common Physical Traits of the Ectomorph:
Flat Chest
Delicate Build
Lightly Muscled
Stoop Shouldered
Young looking
Narrow Bones

Common Personality Traits of the Ectomorph:
Preference for privacy
Socially Anxious
Mentally Intense
Emotionally Restrained

As you may have guessed or probably know from experience, all of these characteristics are not favorable in your quest to pack on muscle mass, size, and strength.

After considering this, you may wonder if being an ectomorph really has any benefits. Are you doomed to being scrawny for the rest of your life? You may also wonder whether you should even bother trying to lift weights to begin with. Maybe you should just stick to endurance sports?

To quickly answer these questions I say Yes, No, Yes, and NO! Just because you do not have the genetic propensity to become a massive pro-bodybuilder does not mean you cannot pack on slabs of lean muscle mass to your body. You can, although it will require more work, focus, and desire.

In fact, lots of ectomorphs have gone on to make incredible transformations adding 20, 30, 50, even 100+ pounds to their smaller sized frames in a matter of months rather than years. This all depends on your intelligence as a lifter, your desire and passion to make this type of transformation, and your ability to master the principles of gaining mass.

In short, even as an ectomorph, you can create a classic, muscular physique. Not only that, but there are even some unique benefits to being an ectomorph that you may not have considered. Let's take a look at these now.

Besides all of the seeming draw-backs of being a skinny ectomorph tying to pack on some quality muscle, we do have a couple of advantages over the other body types.

1. Less looks like more: Because of the ectomorph's smaller skeletal structure a little muscle goes a long way. If through hard work and discipline one is able to add some decent muscle to their lighter frame it will tend to look better, more defined, and create the illusion that the individual is bigger than he really is.

2. Melting the Fat Away: The ectomorph has a super fast metabolism making fat burning particularly easy. If too much fat is added in a bulking phase, it is fairly easy to slightly lower your caloric intake and burn it off quickly or to simply increase your cardio. Although this is an advantage for the ectormorphs, it is also a double-edge sword, as one must be careful not to burn off any of your hard earned muscle while doing so.

3. Enjoying your Food: Because of the ectomorph's rapid metabolism, one must eat tons of high quality food to grow and maintain their muscle gains. If you love food then this is a plus. Although sometimes if may feel like a chore having to pack so many calories away, at least you are not feeling deprived. Plus, it gives us the ability to cheat a little on our diet without destroying our progress.

4. Deadlifting: Even though longer limbs make it harder to move weight in a lot of the exercises, including bench pressing, and squats; The advantage goes to the ectomorph in deadlifting (one of the best mass building exercises), where long arms give us the mechanical advantage to move some serious weight.

5. Aging like Fine Wine: As we get older our metabolism begins to slow down and fat storage tends to increase. For most people that sucks, but for the gym going skinny guy this means the ability to add more muscle to their frame and the shift into a more mesomorphic metabolic range.

A lot time skinny guys can't see any positive benefits of their body type, and that can lead to a depressed state of mind. A depressed state of mind will be of no help to you and will actually keep you trapped in the very state you are mentally resisting. What you resist persists.

Of course you'd prefer to have more muscle, who wouldn't, but in order to realize this goal you must first accept yourself for the way you are, where you are, and who you are. Only after you can accept yourself and your body in this way, can you objectively step back and then map out a plan to get where you want to be in life and actually follow it to completion. Acceptance of reality and a deeper understanding of it as it truly is... is the first step to changing your experience of it.

Knowing your body types advantages and disadvantages is a vital key to unlocking the door to muscle growth and positive change. It is important to remember that you cannot achieve muscle hypertrophy (aka growth) by working against your body. The Awakened Warrior realizes this and works with his body and his genetics in an effort to overcome his weaknesses and turn them into strengths.

To Your Success in Training and in Life,

Brandon Cook

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Image source: https://fthmb.tqn.com/wy9YG4LVmK00H0uYqSKBzK3ze1o=/3000x2000/filters:no_upscale()/about/58051528_thumbnail-57f6843f5f9b586c350...